SEO/Metatags for Twitter not updating

Currently I have updated the Facebook/Twitter Title, site name, and description within my bubble app>settings> SEO/metatags but when I go to facebook or twitter the site description does not show the newly updated meta information. I updated several days ago and I even used the Twitter card validation here for Twitter to pull the new data but it did not work.

Any suggestions to fix this? My expectation is that when I link to my bubble app in twitter of facebook the correct site meta data displays like Title, site name and description. The site is

Thanks in advance for any help!

Please pick a subcategory to help organize the information. Thanks!

Also, the more context you provide with your questions (screenshots, link to an open app, etc.), the more likely you’ll get good help quickly :slight_smile:

Those features are disabled in free apps.

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Thanks Keith, I am on the personal plan $29 per month. Are they disabled for that plan as well?

No, they should work. You might want to post a screen cap of your settings. Note that you control this information for each page in your app (click the page object itself and you’ll see them in the edit dialog for the page).

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Oh, I did not realize that. Thank you I’ll check that out. Away from my laptop at the moment. Page object> edit log

Hey Keith, please see screen shot below. I could not locate page object>edit dialog for the page - is that not in the settings like my screen shot below?

IN THE PAGE. Click the page object. Set in the inspector:

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Got it! Thanks Keith. That is not obvious. I appreciate it very much!!!

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