Hi! I am wondering how I can get a dropdown on a form to have a default value from a database. There is a default value field in the settings for the drop down… but it won’t let me select “Parent Group’s Saas’s Category” … it makes me select something after that, and I’m not sure why?
Hi there, @clark.nc… what you have there looks reasonable. When you click away from the field and it turns red, what does the issue checker say?
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I probably posted this question too soon. I did a search for “select default dropdown” or something similar and found my answer. I think you actually answered a similar question for a different user… who posted the same thing twice a year apart. LOL. The problem was that I had a mismatch of a “text” field in the DB, and the input needed an “ordered list” (or something like that). It’s working as expected now.
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