Setting up Cloudflare with Google Domains

Hi all,

Looks like the Cloudflare threads haven’t been too active over the last few months, but I’m considering implementing it now and am scared of breaking my app.

I’m on Google Domains, with a live mobile app, and users won’t be able to clear their browsing data. Did you resolve any issues @gaurav?

I’m also unclear on whether to go with Registrar URL Redirect or Transferring Name Servers for my Legacy account, any suggestion @peterj or others?

Thanks for any guidance,

It’s gotten a lot easier since we switched to A records. It works with any register pretty seamlessly.

Don’t do a registrar URL redirect; just set up the A records as normal ( A, A

There are some issues with certs getting stuck and users getting 1001/525 errors, but those can be cleaned up in a minute once Customer Success notifies me you have an issue.


Thanks @peterj

Worked like a charm - and seemed to be done in seconds, so no problem of downtime!

For others who might feel over their head, all I had to do was:
-Tick the Cloudflare box on Bubble. Then right under it on Bubble it showed 4 records of addresses. Two are bare and two have www. I ignored the 2nd number in each and this seemed fine.
-Under Google Domains --> DNS, I first deleted 2 old record (, one of them name “@” and one of them name “www”)
-Then I added the new record, once under name @ and once under name www
-As noted, I ignored the 2nd number (which was similar to the first number)
-After a couple minutes, I hit the test button lower on the Bubble page, and all was working! And confirmed on

I’m hoping it helped; I’m still having very long load times ( but expect it helped a bit.


I had the same issue and it took some digging to find your answer. Thank you. The key for me was removing the second IP.