Setting up Dropdown Box

I am trying to set up a form that calculates a policy price.
I am trying to set up a dropdown box that gives the options of “Include” and “Not to Include”, but is there a way to set it up that the choices are taken from data from an external API. However, in my API, the choices are “True” and “False”. The end result of the calculation is supposed to take the choice made in the dropdown into account.

I have tried different methods to work around the situation, including creating a dropdown box manually using a floating group. However, it doesn’t seem to work the way I was expecting it.

This is important and quite urgent for this to be solved. Hope anyone can help with the situation. Thank you so much in advance!

Or maybe is there a way to have the workflow set up as this - when the option “Include” is chosen, set the input of the choice as “True” for the API in order for the trigger of the API of the output to work.