Now I can create new workflows, but I can’t see any steps.
Material Icon Apperance
Having the same issue right now. I cannot edit any existing workflows in my application.ll
Yes, suddenly I faced this issue. Even I can’t copy and paste another action.
I’m sure they have plenty of people who work late. I’m in the US, and late night is when I get the bulk of my work done.
Something tells me they’re more worried about fixing the issue than providing an explanation.
Having the same issue as of 07:50PM AEST (Sydney, NSW, Australia)
Issue :
- Workflow additions do not work + editing + viewing
- Installed Plugins not displaying
- Copy + Paste functions now working
– Fontend is functional and operations are working just 0% visibility
- View delay on Open Workflow is > 10 seconds
- Uncaught TypeError : Cannot read property of undefined (reading ‘appendChild’)
- “” (reading ‘getBoundingClientRect’
3 ++ @ n.fomr_json_client / t.sexports.reponse_to_error / i / XMLHttpRequest. –
Apparently the privacy workspace isn’t working either. Hopefully this isn’t impacting anything on the front-end
I dont buy the “we live in America so we’re sleeping” story. Running a tech company requires technical staff working shifts 24/7/365 for support and maintenance - No way bubble doesn’t have this in place.
Same issue in South Korea…
where the supporter is?
Literraly my first thought!
Same here, cannot create any workflow
I have the same problem now
@josh pls wake up
Oh wow! It’s 1 AM PT looks like this thread kicked up in full gear
I’d recommend submitting but reports:
I’d assume someone on-call is looking and when there’s an influx investigating?… Another @Bubble ping?
time for some DOTA2
you have 2 weeks