It’s broked. Let the thumb twiddling begin.
who knows
Thanks, Sarah! Guess I don’t need to go to Twitter for this. LOL
This thread is getting big
OMG, I’m dyyyyyyying
These people are goofy
The longer this thread gets is just an indication of how long this issue has been active. Which is sad. I was supposed to be working an all nighter, now I’m just goofing around in the bubble forums waiting for the green light to get back to work.
Good indicator for bedtime and fingers crossed for a fix tomorrow morning!
I am going to have an afternoon nap 🥲
After 17 minutes of spinning the wheel on the bubble dashboard, I see my first box…
I bet it will be faster on the second reload, what do you say?
Same here, Plugins and WF are down…
This only means one thing, Bubble started doing ground work to release a bunch of new features and like every time, it totally messed everything up.
Somewhere in this forum, around a week ago, Nick from Bubble confirmed some new features will be pushed at the end of this week. So this looks like a typical Bubble feature release that messes everything up and will result in a rollback only to gradually re-release it to control the shitshow.
There’ll be a lame postmortem, Josh will come here to say how many lessons they have learnt, people will thank him, and we get back to Bubbling. Rinse, repeat after 4 months.
Sounds good.
I remember that day when they “were proud to announce new pricing” my heart was beating loud… And I figured out how much my life relies on Bubble. This morning same feeling
Josh will come here to say how many lessons they have learnt, people will thank him, and we get back to Bubbling. Rinse, repeat after 4 months.
This is so accurate
I have the same problem
I doubt this was a feature release they usually do it during their business hours
never push before going to bed LMFAO
But I do like that Josh is transparent and tells us what happened it’s a way they learn as a startup
Only one app editor is working for me and only because I haven’t refreshed the browser page.
At least our live apps are working, if it wasn’t that would’ve triggered some alarms