Share on Facebook uses Bubble Branding and Text

Hey @technoswift :wave:

Does your page have a type to it? Maybe instead of doing a search you could do Current Page’s Event ID’s Title and Current Page’s Event ID’s Description?

What does your Search for Event IDs Title search for? Can you show a screenshot when you click on search so we can see what you are searching for?

Hope we can help you out. :blush:

Hi @J805 thank you for getting back,

here is a screenshot of search, actually we create unique URL’s for events, and users have can switch between different URLs, as Every URL has a different event title, description, data associated with it.

Now we want that user on this URL can post the title of this URL.
Hope i am not confusing. :roll_eyes:

Hmm :thinking:

Well, I see that you have the page type of content to Event ID. So maybe during Current Page’s Event ID’s Title might work. It’s hard to know unless I see how all of your data on your page is set up and how your workflows are sending data.

That would be my best guess. Current Page’s Event ID’s Title

Would that work for your case? Hope that helps. :blush:

Thanks J805,
I found some logical mistakes,
Actually POST EXAMPLE is title of old page i used, i am checking and will get back.


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Sounds good! Glad you figured it out. :raised_hands:

Hi @J805, I have made the changes to SEO and the bubble icon and meta data still shows up. Do I need to wait for a certain amount of time? Here are screenshots:


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hey there @kalpi_desai,

You might be looking for the favicon instead. Are you talking about the Bubble logo showing up in the tab with your bubble app opened? If so, that’s the favicon rather than SEO

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@kalpi_desai :wave: the favicon is in the settings as @johnny mentioned. Also you need to change the page ‘name’ data near the top of the inspector as well. I can show a screenshot once I get to my laptop this morning. :blush:

You are almost there! :blush:

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Here are the screenshots, is this what you mean?

Hope that helps! :blush:

This worked, thanks all!!

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Awesome! :raised_hands: Glad it helped. :blush: