I prefer using Firefox instead of Chrome. I have the impression that Chrome is the “officially” supported Bubble editor browser (and I’m fine with that, as I’d rather you spend your resources on new features than on complete browser compatibility. I can easily switch between the two).
There are at least a few prevalent bugs in the editor when using Firefox. So my question is, do you want us to report bugs we experience only in Firefox, or is that not prioritized at all? I’d happily report them if it helps you.
I’m just gonna say: While I do not prefer Firefox, I don’t think Firefox has any special bugs WRT Bubble editor. In fact, certain things seem to actually work there whereas they don’t very often on Chrome. (For example: “Reveal in Element Tree” seems to actually work in FF whereas its a crapshoot in Chrome.)
Still, I don’t prefer it.
Would be interested to hear what you think the FF-unique editor bugs are even if Bubble isn’t.
BTW, if you want to see your Bubble app run noticeably faster, play with it in Microsoft Edge. I find RGs are notably faster to render in Edge. Of course, nobody uses it, but it’s there (on Windows)!
(And as long as I’m dishing on browsers: Safari. Ugh. Necessary evil, because Apple. (“Safari: We’ll Never Add Mobile Notifications, Cuz that Would Kill the App Store. You’re Welcome!”)
Really? I have the mirror experience of what you’re describing. Reveal in Element Tree doesn’t work in FF about 70% of the time, and the element tree usually is pretty glitchy overall: subfolders not showing, scrollbar hiding show/hide icons. Never experienced this in Chrome.