Show a list of texts in different cells in a repeating group

Hi all!

I’m trying to display a list of texts in different rows in a repeating group.
My app is currently working like this: when users add a new Activity (data type), I allow them to record the ‘risks’ and ‘gaps’ related to it, as data fields–I’m currently saving them as a list of texts, using a multiselect dropdown.
After recording all the activities of a given company, I want to allow the users to manage all the risks and gaps saved on any of the recorded activities.
For that, I created a data type named Risk that I want to display in a repeating group, allowing the user to add its impact, probability, safeguards etc.
But as for now, when I try to show the risks in a repeating group, each row shows a list of those risks (as texts, separated by commas), whereas I want to display every single risk in a different row.

Any thought on how can I accomplish that?

If I understood correctly, you have nested lists.

Therefore, if your RG displays a list of things (List A), where each of these things has a field that also stores a list of things (List B). A nested RG will be needed, that is, a second RG, inside the cell of the first RG, to then display each item of the second list (List B), in each corresponding line of List A.

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Hi @Newed, thank you for time and response.
Using a nested RG I was able to display only the first item of the list, but not the remaining others. It didn’t allow me to actually separate them and work with each of them individually as I would like.

Any chance of sharing the editor or a copy of it?

Thank you for your help, @Newed.
Okay, basically the thing is: for every Company I have Risks, Gaps, and Safeguards.
They’re all their unique data type. They have a many-to-many relationship between them, each one is in the other as a list of that data type . Risks have a field named risk name, saved as text, and this is the list that I want to display in a RG table (when I first inquired, I was saving the risks as a mere list of texts in the Activity data type, but then I can’t really manage this Risks, as I explain better bellow). The thing is, a Company has many Activity (another data type) and each activity can have its own Risks, Gaps, and Safeguards, that may or may not be the same as the other Activity.
Now, what I want to accomplish is to display in a RG all the unique Risks of a Company, not duplicating them.
For example: if Acme Inc. can add to Activity A and Activity B the Risk Fire. Activity A and B may have different Safeguards in place to prevent that Risk.
When managing Risks for Acme Inc., in that RG, I need Fire to be displayed only once and fetch all the Gaps and Safeguards saved to any of the “fires” that were saved.

This is the RG that I need to show only the unique Risks. There, when you click to expand, it must show unique related Gaps and Safeguards

In my db:

And its has also a List of Activities.

Ah, I also tried something like this:

But it doesn’t return any values for some reason.

If I understand correctly, Companies contain Activities > Activities contain Risks, so a possible approach would be like the following example:



Remembering that this can be done in other ways and the appropriate way will depend on your data structure, the amount of them, if they will be constantly changed (dynamic) or if they will be static (if static and in a small volume, you could work with option sets to activities/risks), etc.

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