Show search results in separate page


I want users to be able to search specific words in the database. When they input their chosen word and click on the search button, I want the search result (the definition of the word they searched) to display on a separate page, but I can’t figure out how to do it.

I’ve been reading and watching videos over the past week, and I’m still not getting it.
I thought I had to:

-set the workflow of the button on the search page to navigate to the new page and set the data to send as the search field’s value
-set the search-result page’s type of content as the name of the type in which the list of words are stored
-add a text box on the new page to display the definition of the searched-for word.

But what am I missing? How do I get the information to display?

i am guessing the words with name & definitions are already in your database as datatype “Word”?

if yes

on start page have an element called searchbox.
this as datatype has Word and displays the word.

then you have a go button
on that you have a workflow going to next page.
Send searchboxs Word to that page.
that page is indeed type Word.

Then on that page have a group type Word. make it source: Current Page Word.

In it add 2 text fields.
One is parent groups Words name eg House
One is parent groups Words definition eg A place humans with way too much money live in.


@TipLister Phew! That worked. Thank you so much! :pray:

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