Hi Bubblers !
Since the update “responsive beta” i don’t see “Cut off content if the element is not tall enough”. Anyone knows what can replace it ?
Hi Bubblers !
Since the update “responsive beta” i don’t see “Cut off content if the element is not tall enough”. Anyone knows what can replace it ?
Just set a max height on the text element.
Yes, i see it but there aren’t the dots “. . .”
looking forward to any new info on this - I also need to cut off text if it goes beyond the size, and have the ability to see the rest.
Pinging @nick.carroll for visibility
Yes, i see it but there aren’t the dots “. . .”
That’s strange…
The three dots appear for me the end of the text, just the same as they did on the old engine when using the old "Cut off content if the element is not tall enough” option.
Maybe post a screenshot of your layout settings so someone can see if there’s something you’re missing…
Hopefully when the New responsive engine is out of Beta we’ll be able to control ALL layout settings conditionally, so will be able to, for example, change the max height via a custom state when a ‘See More’ button is clicked.
For now though the best bet is to use two text elements - one with a max height, and one without, and use conditionals and custom states to show one whilst hiding the other.
whoops - I take that back - I just had to painstakingly record all the min and max heights and widths of all my nested groups and voila – text cut off and 3 dots. -I added a “more…” text element - and now exploring the best way to show the full description.
-GroupFocus - can I get that in a Repeating Group?
-Pop up?
working working working
I solved this problem as shown in the picture below. ( I added a new condition to the text element. )
And I tried this as I couldn’t solve clearly this problem with min and max height/width.
Did you find a solution for this ?
Thank you! So simple yet perfect for what I needed!
when I set a max height the text dissapears once the screen gets smaller and it has to go to the next line
Hey fellow bubblers. I am having this same issue, and can’t get my text to display.
I have a fixed height set and when the text is too long it simply disappears. From my understanding it was supposed to just cut off?
Anyone know what I should do?
BTW, I can’t use the truncate work around in this case because it is a link. So I want the link to cut off after a certain width, and them still to be able to click it to go to the correct link.
Did you figure this out?
I’m having this same issue. I want the text to cut off with a “…” indicator.
When I set the max height of the text box, the text disappears in preview.
When I inspect the element in preview, actually says the element is not visible. So for some reason bubble is hiding the element.
Of course I checked and there are no conditionals, and the element is visible on page load.
I actually see it flash on page load and then disappear. And in the flash, it’s not respecting the max height. I’ve also tried fixed height.
Yeah, Bubble does some very weird things with Text elements (no idea why), and gives you very little control in the editor on their behaviour regarding overflow.
As you see, if a contiguous text (like an email address) is too big to fit in a text element, Bubble simply doesn’t display it at all.
So, personally, I generally find it better not to use Bubble text elements whenever you need more control, and use an HTML element instead.
It’s more work, but it gives you full control over exactly how it behaves/appears when the element is not big enough to fit the text.
okie dokie I’ll give that a shot. Thanks for the suggestion.
Yea that worked. Thank you.