Social Media Share

I am looking for a plugin that can allow users to share elements from a page in my App (specific group, cell, etc. ) to social media networks e.g Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp etc. The plugins I recently reviewed can only allow users to share a page URL but this is not what I want. My App is built on one page with many elements and workflows to hide and show elements. I want that when a user clicks to show an element, the user can share that particular element to social media networks. Any idea on how to set this up will be appreciated.

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If you want multiple users to post to social media, you might want to integrate directly with each network using the Bubble API Connector. You can apply for developer accounts and get approval for the capabilities your need. Once you have approval, make the various calls to their API endpoints, such as authorizing a user’s account and posting to their account.

You can also post to social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok, with our social media API plugin for Bubble or direct API integration. Using the Ayrshare plugin you can do the post scheduling, get analytics, comments, etc.

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