🥳 Social Share Buttons - New Plugin from Zeroqode

This plugin makes social sharing easy and customisable.
Place the element on page, choose your style and tick the share buttons which you want to be available, set the URL you want to share and you’re good to go.

social share

For details, screenshots and demos please visit the plugin page at: Social Share Buttons Plugin for Bubble | Zeroqode

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Levon Terteryan

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Is there a need to set up the API connections or the oAuth? I am not familiar with either things and was wanting to use social sharing.

This plugin is simply for sharing (like reposting etc.) not for user authentication, so no API or oAuth are used :slight_smile:

I’m sorry I am a bit confused by that. How is it working if it doesn’t use the oAuth

And why do I see this in the popup on your live demo

I am under the impression from previous investigation into sharing on social media sites that it is necessary to use oAuth to access the users social media account…and from the screen shot I shared there is clearly a reference to oauth2 in the popup “URL” for accessing the current users social media account.

Am I missing something? Or is your response just indicating that as a builder of the app using your plugin, I don’t need to set up the oauth or connect via the API because the plugin does all of that for me, and therefore makes the whole process of setting up social sharing that much easier and less involved?

sharing doesn’t use any API or oAuth, because the app doesn’t share on users behalf, it simply opens a preconfigured link at facebook, twitter etc, with some parameters filled out (like the link to share etc.) - the user is already logged in under their social network account, so they simply hit on “post” and that’s it. The app doesn’t do posting for the user.

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I just purchased the plugin

I was wondering how do I need to set up the plugin or my page to have this in the social share?

Screen Shot 2019-12-17 at 10.47.01 PM

What I’d like is to use an image that is on the page, which is also the main image saved to the data type in the database that is displayed on the page.

I’d like the link to the page being shared to be above the bolded text; where you have “ZEROQODE-DEMO-19.BUBBLEAPPS.IO”

I’d also like to have the bolder text to show my companies name ( where you have Bubble ) plus some tag line like “visual programming”…I am assuming this has something to do with my SEO settings but not sure how to go about it.

I’d also like to get the text on the bottom to show the text I enter into the plugin editor

Screen Shot 2019-12-17 at 10.51.21 PM

This currently does not show up in the social share

This is currently what I am getting in the social share


By the way I am currently using this in the version-test not the live site.

This is what I get in my newsfeed

The link works correctly and sends me to the page I entered into the plugin editor. The emoji is the favicon of my site.

Another issue in terms of using the plugin on page and designing…I’m getting different results when previewing the page compared to what is seen in the editor

Here is my editor view…I’ve got the plugin element set to fixed width

Here is the preview of page

Not sure what the issue might be…looks like the icons got larger and therefore pushed things to cause the element to try and get wider but fixed width or not fixed width the last icon for LINE still gets pushed down to another row.

The only way to get the icons to all be on the same row is to make the element wider, which have major negative implications on responsive design issues.

When I make the element only as wide as the last icon in editor view to have on a responsively designed page

The preview causes two icons to go to another row

Hello there @boston85719, thanks for reaching out, our team will check this and I will update you of a matter.

Thank you,

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Hello there @boston85719,

Regarding your issues with the different size of icons in the editor, and a preview mode, this issue is solved, you have to update the plugin till the latest version, and refresh your page.

Regarding customization of the visual part of links, we are not able to modify them, the plugin just sent the link, with text, this window rendering is made not by bubble, but by Facebook. And we can’t change it.

Thank you,

Thanks for the feedback and update.

Now there is the problem that the social share element doesn’t show up on preview page.

Here is the editor

The element editor settings

And the preview page

Hello @boston85719

We checked on our side and the plugin renders fine in preview mode.

Here is the editor setup:

Try uninstalling , reinstalling again , placing new element on page , set it up , refresh the app and give it a try.
Hope this helps. :pray:

Zeroqode Team.

I’ve done this three times now with no luck…still not seeing it

Hello @boston85719

Maybe something to do with the z-index which positions the plugin element behind another one. Try bringing the plugin element in front to be visible when rendering in preview.
Otherwise, would recommend you to post link to your app in order to debug it further.
Thanks for understanding.

Could you please send me an email address to send the link to the editor…I am not comfortable with linking the editor with editing available to this project on the showcase forum thread…

Or send me a message through bubble forum and I will reply in the private message…unfortunately your profile doesn’t show the ability to send a private message to you.


I have tested a few more times and found what was MY mistake. I had placed the social share in the mobile group, so on desktop it wasn’t visible because the mobile group wasn’t visible.

I apologize for wasting your time on this. The social share element is visible on page, in groups and in popups.


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@ZeroqodeSupport @levon

I am curious if there is a way to make the social share have the option to use a dynamic image from the page the same way we are able to use dynamic text and URL to share.

Screen Shot 2020-04-11 at 1.25.31 PM

If it was possible to add Image to share I think that would make this plugin much more powerful.

Currently my goal is to use the plugin for events listings, product listings and retailer listings. For each of these use cases it would be amazing to get to select the image corresponding to those specific listings so that the image getting shared is not my apps image.

For example, when a user shares a product such as Air Jordan #11 it would be beautiful to see the shoes as the image as opposed to my app logo which doesn’t accurately reflect the item being shared.

Is this a possibility to implement? Or is there some other work around to accomplish the same end goal?

Hello, @boston85719!

Unfortunately, this functionality is not available at the moment.

As a workaround, you might use the following variant. Just add to the URL field a shop link. On the result page, where your shared post will be displayed, the picture of this shop item will be displayed. Here is an example:

  1. In URL field add the link on shop/website with the item you want to share http://prntscr.com/ryiqiq
  2. here on Viber example, the item’s image is displayed http://prntscr.com/ryir7c

But you need to take into consideration, that this behavior is not typical for each social service. This means, when it is possible to display the item’s image via Viber, it won’t be displayed via Twitter or Facebook.
That is because of the internal setup of each social service, and it can’t be changed from Bubble’s side.

Apologies for the inconvenience, caused by the inability to implement the functionality that interests you.
ZQ Team

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Hi @ZeroqodeSupport,

I just bought your plugin and was wondering if there is any particular reason that it does not include sharing to reddit? It has sharing to StumbleUpon, but not reddit, which seems like a strange ommission to me.

Also, shouldn’t the Pinterest image that is selected be dynamic? It asks me to upload the image to be shared. If I have lots of images in my image sharing app, then I would want the relevant image shared to Pinterest - not one static image.

Hi, @major_groove !

Thanks for reaching out!

Let us familiarize with your request carefully and we’ll get in touch asap.

Zeroqode Team