Hi all,
Could you guide me in designing a solution to implement SSO for the buble.io application with my custom identity solution using the OIDC protocol? Below are the details:
The application is already built with [bubble.io]) and running successfully. The users are authenticating using a built-in user management module. As a product’ we have a custom build IAM solution that supports OpenID Connect protocol functionality to authenticate and authorize the users.
The requirement is to enable SSO for registered users with the IAM solution to enable SSO. The JWT token has the necessary roles and permission details to grant the page access.
The remaining users will access the application using the existing [bubble.io] user management model to authenticate.
A typical flow would be :
The user tries to log in to the application
If the user profile sets to SSO login in user data, then
The application redirects user to the SSO URL
On the SSO login page, the user enters his credentials
The identity provider generates an authorization code and sends it back to the application
The application sends the authorization code to the identity provider and obtains the ID JWT token
The application verifies the ID JWT token obtained from the identity provider and logs in user to the application
I have researched the plugins in the marketplace, but all the solutions are provided for social logins. In my case, it is our own IAM solution.
I came to know from the bubble support team that the requirement could be achieved using the API Connector plugin and asked me to post the scenario in the forum to get the best answers.