[SOLVED] Date Comparisons

How could I calculate the date of when a data was made to the present date like I’d like some example or explanations on how either converting them both into numbers and possibly seeing the difference?

For Example:

When: Current User's Data's Creation Date > 30 days

Would I have to do something like; Data 1’s Creation Date:converted to number - Current Date (</>) #?

In the data source, how could I calculate both dates to see if it’s lower or greater than a specific number?

You mean difference in days for example between two date?
Don’t use :formatted as … because this become a text and not a date. Just do Date1 - Current date: format as days. By default this will be a number.

What I basically wanted was to see how old the data was, whether if it is older than 30 days it would have something on their profile or account, or if it’s new (less than 30 days) then the badge wouldn’t show up.

Use The current date-date field :format as days < 30 for the condition

There’s no option for :format as days!


no… you are forgetting the “-” first
The format as day will be after the two date substraction

something like this?


Yes… but I think you should but current date first and creation date after (current date - creation date) Higher date first to get a positive number.


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You don’t use the same date as the previous screenshot that was created and not modified date but you know what you want to do with it :wink:

Omg thank you, I’ve trying to like figure this for 3 hours.

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