I’m running into an issue with some data types in my app; their lists are not loading as expected. Additionally, the search functionality isn’t working for these data types either.
It definitely seems related to privacy rules. I just had a call with a user who can’t modify an auto-binding field, even though they should have access according to the privacy settings.
Scheduling backend workflows is also broken (at least for me), so if your app relies on those, keep that in mind as well when you start cleaning up after the mess…
I am experiencing similar issues. Data is not coming in as it should. Privacy rules appear to be out of kilter. Whatever it is has nothing to do with anything I have done.
Can anyone else confirm issues with scheduling backend workflows? According to the Bubble status page, the “Successful system API requests” are at 100%, so this is a bit confusing.
If this is a widespread issue, I’ll need to notify our main users immediately.
I’m pretty sure I have issues with the backend too. I think anything that is related to data privacy seems to not working, so if your backend data is using privacy to filter which data you can send/return then it won’t be working as I have seen a couple of logs with empty data: