But just now I had the same error message and for sure it is not a problem with my connection. The other user is in another country and has the same issues.
Overall our app is very slow at the moment, loading takes way longer than usual, even the editor seems affected more than usual.
I have never seen this error before and it worries me because there is nothing to indicate that we indeed have a problem with capacity.
I remember a discussion about a year ago around offline support. Would be really curious to hear more about the state of this feature? @emmanuel@josh
In these cases, it is crucial for our team to be able to continue work even when offline. Syncing data to the server when back online will be huge.
However, I also think this is very challenging. Seeing how even the greats like Microsoft struggle with offline/online syncing and version management. Not as easy as it seems. So, we’ll be patient!
looking at http://status.bubble.is/ it seems there was a peak of latency this morning.
I am also curious about how other apps can affect our own apps on personal plan…
Right now I am not having any latency issue on my apps