🔌 Step by Step Guide: Create a custom Bubble plugin

This guide explains how to create a custom Bubble plugin for your app. For demonstration purposes, we’ll create a simple camera recorder.


  1. Start the recorder
  2. Display the recording video
  3. Stop the recorder
  4. Upload the video to the Bubble App and return an URL

Step 1: Create a new plugin

Go to https://bubble.io/my_plugins. Click “New plugin”.

Name your plugin. Click “Create”.

Step 2: Add a new element

A plugin element is a custom Bubble element that can be added to Bubble pages. We need an element to display the recording video.

Go to tab “Elements”, add a new element. Name your element.

The element should be resizable and responsive, so we select those properties. We also want to show the standard visible property.

Step 3: Initialize functions

Go to “Code initialize”, this JavaScript function is called when the element is visible on the page. It is a good practice to define functions here, and trigger these functions only when you need them.

We’ll create a function instance.data.start to access the camera, start recording, and display the recording video. We’ll also need a function instance.data.stop to stop the recording and save the video.

function(instance, context) {
    let getCamera = async function () {
        return await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
            audio: false,
            video: true
    let createRecorder = function(stream, mimeType) {
        let recordedChunks = []; // the stream data is stored in this array
        const mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream);

        mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = function(e) {
            if (e.data.size > 0) {
        mediaRecorder.onstop = function() {
            recordedChunks = [];
        mediaRecorder.start(200); // For every 200ms the stream data will be stored in a separate chunk.
        return mediaRecorder;
    let saveFile = function(recordedChunks) { //This function creates a .webm file
        const blob = new Blob(recordedChunks, {
            type: 'video/webm'
        var reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onloadend = function() {
            var filename = instance.data.file || 'video.webm';
            var base64data = reader.result;
            var uploadData = base64data.substr(base64data.indexOf(',') + 1);
            context.uploadContent(filename, uploadData, function(err, url) { //upload to the bubble database
                instance.publishState("url", url); //return the url as an exposed state
                instance.triggerEvent("recorded"); //trigger an event
                URL.revokeObjectURL(blob); // clear from memory
    instance.data.start = async function(){
        instance.data.streamWebcam = await getCamera();
        let webcamRecorder = createRecorder(instance.data.streamWebcam, "video/webm");
        //display the video
        let video = document.createElement('video'); //create the video element
        video.srcObject = instance.data.streamWebcam;
        video.style.width = '100%';
        video.style.height = '100%';
        video.muted = true;
        video.onloadedmetadata = function(e) {
            video.play(); //play the video on load
        instance.canvas.append(video); //add element to canvas
    instance.data.stop = function() { 
        if (instance.data.streamWebcam) {
                .forEach(track => track.stop()); //stop all tracks


Step 4: Create actions

An action can be added to the Bubble workflows. We’ll create actions to trigger the functions we created in step 3.

Action “Start”

Go to “Actions”, create a new action called “Start”.

Go to “Code actions”. Find function start. Add code to trigger the start function.

function(instance, properties, context) {



Action “Stop”

Go to “Actions”, create a new action called “Stop”.

Add a new field filename. A field is a property you can fill in the Property Editor when you add the action to the workflow.

  • Name : The name of the field. We can get the value of this field by properties.filename
  • Caption: This is the display name that appears in the editor.
  • Editor: Select “Dynamic value”. This allows you to fill in a dynamic expression in the editor.
  • Type: Type of the Dynamic value. Select “Text”. If you fill in an unexpected type of data in the editor, you’ll see an issue.

Go to “Code actions”. Find function start. Add code to trigger the start function.

function(instance, properties, context) {

    instance.data.filename = properties.filename;


Step 5: Add a state

When a user stops the recording, the function saveFile() is triggered. This function creates a video file and uploads it to the Bubble database. An uploaded file has an URL. To get the URL, we have to create an exposed state. With an exposed state, you can expose the data from this custom plugin to other elements or actions in your app.

Go to “Exposed states”. Add a new state url. The type of data should be text.

To expose the data, we have to add a line of code instance.publishState("<name>", <value>) to the saveFile() function, where <name> refers to the state’s name, and <value> refers to the value you want to expose. We have already done this in step 3. You should be able to see the code.

Step 6: Add an event

An event is a Bubble workflow that triggers actions. You can create a new event and trigger this event in your code.

With the exposed state created in step5, we can get the URL of the video. However, the URL will be exposed only when the uploading process is completed. In another word, we cannot get the URL right after stopping the recording. We need an event to trigger the rest of the workflows after the unloading process is completed.

Go to “Events”. Create a new event “recorded”.

To trigger the event, we can add a line of code instance.triggerEvent("<name>"), where refers to the name of the event. We have already added the code in step 3.

Step 7: Test your plugin

You need a test app to test the plugin. Create an app if you don’t have one.

There is an input field under the plugin elements tree. Input the app name and click “Go to test app”


To test the function, put your plugin element on the page. Add a button to trigger the custom actions.


Add a custom event and display the exposed URL.

Step 8: Publish your plugin

Once your plugin is ready, you can publish it on an open-source license or a private license. Go to “Settings”. Under Publishing and license, select “Private” or “Open source (MIT)” as the Plugin distribution license. If you have selected “Private”, you need to authorize your apps to have access to this plugin.

Click Submit a new version to publish your plugin. Congratulations! You have created a custom camera recording plugin.


:clap::clap::clap: Nice work sharing this. Creating plugins is fundamental to Bubble and the documentation is dire! This will help a lot of people get started.


Indeed. It has been a game changer for us. Much easier to use custom code.


Word! :fist_left:t2:

I make most of my clients a plugin to workaround bubble oddities! Nice work!!


Do you make your plugins public? We made a few of them public but we’re finding it difficult to provide support.

Why is it difficult to provide support. I have several open source plugins.

Full calendar scheduler suite
A charting plugin
RG data extractor and I think a couple others.


Greate step by step, i agree, bubble doc about plugin is poor. You can post more about create plugins if you want!

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Nice! I think I’ve used some of your plugins.

I get quite a few support requests. They are great when they are simple Q&As, slightly more difficult time-wise when they turn into a full day of Bubble training.

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Oh. Yeah. I know what you mean.

It’s all about either having solid docs or bring quick on the keyboard.

I do the later usually :joy_cat:

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thank you! this is extremely helpful :+1:

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Thanks a ton, this was an extremely helpful intro. I’m going to take over the world now and it’s your fault. lol, have a good one!

Thanks a lot for the tutorial @edtyli9, this is super helpful!
I wanted to use the plugin to record Google meet, but unfortunately the audio only records the laptops microphone and not the Chrome audio. So other meeting participants were not recorded. How could this be incorporated in the plugin?

Hello, i would like to create a plug in that inverse the order of a list…i know its not complicate, but i don’t know how to do with bubble plug in editor. I guess i need to use “ELEMENT”…but i don"t know how to collect the result of my element and my code…and i don’t understand the utilization of Initialization, instance, context, preview, update…it is very confuse for me

This is a super work. thank you for sharing the code. i followed all the steps but i found a problem with dynamically pass a file name .