Store / Save Data customer signing up

Hello everyone,

I am pretty new on Buble and i am trying to make a kind o jobboard between “candidate” and “compagny”.

So my problem is :

When a “candidate” signs up, i saved the data :

When the “candidate” signs up, he goes to his profil page where i call back his data:

But as you see, every time there is a new candidate, his informations are adding to the previous one…

Here the profil page in edit mode :

I don’t know how should i do. Because in a same time a candidate who logs in has to get his page with his information.
Do i need to reset the inputs forms? Do i need to make a data base?

I hope it’s clear for you guyz and i appreciate a lot if you can help me.

Thanks a lot for your time.


Hello. You must register in the database all the necessary fields for the user and then try to do something like this .

On the profile page: