Since implementing V3, you can only apply a coupon AFTER a subscription has been paid for, applying it to the next payment which MAKES NO SENSE…
(sorry, just a little frustrated with this new approach )
The only way apparently is to:
- inform your user of the coupon code somewhere (by email or on the product page or …)
- they have to copy or remember it
- then click on apply coupon
- paste or type it
- then confirm the coupon
(when it would be so much easier to just apply it for them !!! - still frustrated
I would like to be able to send the coupon code to the Bubble checkout page (like right now, we’re doing a BACKTOSCHOOL promo on all new yearly subscriptions) so that the user doesn’t have to go through all the steps. and can just happily check out.
As you know… every step between the decision to purchase and the payment matter because the more steps, the more things can go wrong and the more reasons to think “arhghhh… I’ll just do that later”.
Any way to do that ?