Stripe Connect destination charges via API Connector

Hey all,

We use the Zeroqode Stripe Marketplace plugin to run Stripe Connect Express on our marketplace. This plugin, however, only allows for direct charges. We need destination charges.

If someone is an expert in implementing Stripe Connect via the API connector, let us know.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Are you looking to use Stripe Checkout, or a self-hosted solution?

I’ve implemented Stripe Connect Express for a salon environment and for event ticketing, both using the API Connector. Feel free to reach out.

We already use Checkout and want to stick with it :slight_smile:

We already use Checkout and want to stick with it :slight_smile:

In that case it’s dead simple…

All you need to do is set up a Stripe ‘Create Checkout Session’ call in the API connector…

Then in your checkout workflow, just make that call, then navigate to the URL returned in the response (that’s literally all there is to it)…

Obviously, how you set up the Create Checkout Session call will depend entirely on what you’re trying to do…

But to use Destination charges you’ll want to include the payment_intent_data.transfer_data.destination parameter to specify the connected account you want to transfer funds to…

Check out the Stripe API docs for more details on the ‘Create Checkout Session’ parameters…

If you need help setting up the API call just let me know and I’ll explain the details…