Ive been trying to setup Stripe connect (express) payments but caught up in one section.
I followed a pretty good guide on how to use API Connected to setup Stripe connect onboarding and stripe connect subscriptions but I havent been able to work out how to do Destination payments where a User is Charged, A fee is paid to Admin and then A seller is paid the remaining funds.
Does anyone have any clear docs on how to set this up?
I plan to charge users a fixed fee + X% fee of sale price fee.
I just noticed on the old discussion that there were reply responses that I had not expanded so the missing info i need is hopefully sitting in there somewhere.
(Doesnât help that im only 2 weeks into bubble or any form of coding for that matter haha)
Feel like im so close to getting it sorted that Its worth pushing through anyway without using another plugin.
For this section, At the very top do i just do the same as the the Stripe Express Api connected in the fields ? ( the section is cut off at the top of screenshot )
Authentication - Private key in header,
key name - Authorization
Key value Bearer skxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Iâm not quite sure what youâre asking. But, if you already have your authentication set up at the very top of the list, you wonât have to repeat the process.
as far as i understand i think i made these two as separate APIâs rather than adding a call to the first API (named Stripe Express, which works to add a new seller to stripe connect)
So Im assuming i need to fill in the top section again with the details i just listed?
Make sure the âapplication fee amountâ & âamountâ are marked for query string. Also, ensure youâre using the Stripe test keys while working in your bubble version-test, and live keys only in live.
Cheers for that. Iâll give that a go. I Made the changes but looks like bubbles having issues with deployment for the last 2hrs so havent been able to see the results yet
(We had an error deploying your app: Could not deploy to live - behind live)
Ok, so its looking like the issue is that i am using âtok_visaâ as the source, which is only usable in testing and im only doing tests in Live mode.
Just have to work out what it needs to be replaced with.
I see. In the screenshot above for your api call, you donât need the âclient secretâ in there. This is handled by the authentication you setup at the very top of the api list. The âcodeâ is also not a valid parameter in this api call, so not needed. You also donât need âgrant typeâ.
The value you have for âcodeâ is probably supposed to renamed to âsourceâ.