Stripe Error in LIVE: You did not provide an API key. You need to provide your API key in the Authorization header, using Bearer auth

Hey all,

I’ve seen at least one other post on this topic and have yet to find a solution for it.

I am having trouble with Stripe in the LIVE (PROD) environment. I continue to see the attached error message and can’t seem to resolve it.


I’ve set up my Publishable and Secret keys for both Live and Development (as highlighted in the second attachment).

I trigger Stripe using the ‘Charge the current user’ step in the workflow, as shown below:


Note: it works perfectly fine in Development.

Have I missed something here?
And has anyone here managed to resolve this issue?

Hi All,

I’ve managed to resolve this issue by adding the following to the API Connector:

I hope this resolves the issue for you as well.