I am trying to “go live” on stripe and have assumed that I’m just supposed to remove the development cliend ID, secret key, and publishable key from the settings screen, but now I get this error here:
In the console:
Stripe error You did not provide an API key, though you did set your Authorization header to “null”. Using Bearer auth, your Authorization header should look something like ‘Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY’. See Stripe API Reference for details, or we can help at https://support.stripe.com/.Clear errors
It was working fine before. All i’ve done was remove the development keys.
Shot in the dark, but you said you removed the publishable key from the settings screen, but the error is saying you’ve not set a publishable key. Have you tried not removing the publishable key?
@natedogg I have, but it still gives me the yellow ‘test mode’ in the corner… which is why i tried to delete them assuming that this will automatically use the live keys instead… problem is it doesn’t work.
You aren’t using the test version/preview of your app, right? Bubble should automatically use the test keys for your version-test URL and the live keys for the live version.