Stripe.js2 Create subscription - confusion

Hi, need directions on understanding the subscription time process[monthly, yearly…etc]. From my side the auto cancel is one time action where payments stop and not a duration(every month till 6 month as the inputs in the action (+6mo), and the backdate is for elapsed bills and record keeping purposes (-6mo).

In stripe create subscription, the billing period is chosen option[monthly, yearly…etc], but in stripe.js2 action in WF the timing is confusing and i want to make an temporary subscribe, at least to capture a fail for tracking response. The issue is that this inputs including consumerID below is not captured by stripe logs.
Where is the direct billing period located? From my example +6 is for per month(default) for 6 month period or it’s just a one time action for a date canceling?
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Creating product > price with billing periods and then > create the subscription > NO LOGS CAPTURED


No Logs captured where? In Bubble or Stripe?

Nothing happening in stripe logs

What i am trying to do is partial payments which is created by consumer if creator enabled partial payments of subscriptions, I thought about using of stripe but there is no actions related(I will be pleased with any direction using API connector), so a better one for now is to use the subscribe action to make partial checkouts, and for less fees.

Billing period is monthly and permanent for everyone. (not editable for specific purposes)

Sounds like you are allowing a creator to enable partial payments which would allow a consumer to dictate how much they want to pay and how often, but likely be a combination that will equal the total of the normal payment required.

For example creator has setup a subscription for one month at $30.

You will allow a consumer to create a payment schedule of their own such as

$1 a day for 30 days
$3 every 10 days

Is that the correct idea? Or are you attempting to do something else?

If that is what you are doing you need to make it so that the Product Object created by the creator is the product ID you send when creating a new subscription for the consumer who is basically needing to create a subscription to be charged regularly at the interval and price they are setting for themselves.

Hey @boston85719 Thank you for your effort, yes i am trying to schedule a payment which would allow consumer manually create one and not using stripe seller dashboard or specially subscription product for a consumer.

I have successfully created a process where consumer can pay partial payments even if its a ACH debit which is not allowed in recurring and a good point for expanding market segments, if you need any help with this, please just message me here or private and i will direct you.

For this you just need > Webhook endpoints make changes for intervals + parameters detection in headers for checking schedule and intervals.
but the little disadvantages in this billing cycle process will need your side effort of being live all the time to not miss anything + admin user for detection and permissions. + Slow process where you can accept(automatically) a charge scheduled every 5 second or by server refresh for avoiding any mistakes ;/ but worth it.

And a question about stripe.js2, why do they have a process of creating subscription through actions but it’s not working!

“If that is what you are doing you need to make it so that the Product Object created by the creator is the product ID you send when creating a new subscription for the consumer who is basically needing to create a subscription to be charged regularly at the interval and price they are setting for themselves.”

Please explain to me this point again if you telling me that creating a product id and subscription manually through consumer using stripe.js is possible.

I’m not familiar with stripe.js but using the Stripe API calls it would be possible. Using an API call to create the subscription object in Stripe on your Connected Seller Stripe Account is possible, and allowing a consumer (customer) to create one on the fly would also be possible, even though they are not the Connected Seller Stripe Account Owner.

Can you please share me your direction, screenshot or anything.

I could do one better for you. Here is a link to a forum post detailing my Stripe Integration Course. It covers everything you would need to know to create a successful Stripe Integration for your app.

I will try your suggestion to add a post action api parameters, and will see what happens.
For sure, in the near future will take the course… open for such a new expert experience to raise skills. It’s all about time, that’s why i am taking the efforts to improve it by my self and the help of people like you, i am pleased with how i integrated stripe for the beginning and just trying to add the last thing of subscription process and right move before finishing the basic.