Stripe Payment - deploy from test to live doesn't work

Hi guys,

I’ve been using the stripe-payment-function successfully within the test-environment (bubble-test, stripe-testmode). Once a user subscribed a webhook has been executed and I was able to call a backend-workflow based on the checkout.completed-webhook from stripe. Within this workflow I do have one action - make changes to current user - to update the subscription-details of the user.
However, I’ve deployed my app in bubble now and I have set Stripe to live. I’ve imported the webhooks in stripe and change the webhook-url (deleted the “version-test”).
Once a user subscribes in the live-version, the webhook fires and my backend-workflow gets called - BUT: an error appears. see bubble-log:

Workflow error - The service Stripe - Subscription Details just returned an error (HTTP 404). Please contact the plugin author directly for feedback. Raw error: { "error": { "message": "Unrecognized request URL (GET: /v1/subscriptions/). If you are trying to list objects, remove the trailing slash. If you are trying to retrieve an object, make sure you passed a valid (non-empty) identifier in your code. Please see Stripe Documentation or we can help at", "type": "invalid_request_error" } }

What’s wrong? Hope anyone can help as this stuff kept me busy the whole day.


Hi @hofer6
this most likely means that your subscriptions (i.e products) that exist on your stripe test mode does not exist on the stripe live mode. Can you copy your products and prices from the test version to the live version?