Hello everyone,
I am having difficulty connecting Stripe with the stripe plugin. I need to create a marketplace. I followed the recommended steps in theory (signing up for Stripe, installing the plugin stripe by bubble io, adding test and live public keys, adding test and live secret keys, adding a test Client ID). I also clicked on the AOth Standard button and correctly entered a redirect URL. I am able to use the “register as a seller” action for product vendors to enter their bank details. I can also allow buyers to register their credit cards. However, when I add the “charge user with CC” action to the workflow, I receive the following message in test mode: “Stripe Error: In order to share a Payment Method, you must pass a connected account ID by using an OAuth key or the Stripe-Account header.” Additionally, when I try to perform the “Charge the current user” action, I receive the message: “Stripe error: Can only apply an application fee when the payment intent is attempting a direct payment (using an OAuth Key or Stripe-Account header) or destination payment (using data transfer-destination).” It works perfectly when I don’t have a payee which is another user. Do you have any idea how I can do to fix the problem? Thanks for your help.