Stripe Plugin, Error on Create Payment Intent

I keep getting the following error message when submitting a payment test (4242 card) using the Copilot Stripe 2 plugin:

Plugin action Stripe.js - PaymentIntent - Create error:
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘data’ of undefined
at eval (eval at build_function (/var/task/index.js:53:12), :116:44)
at /var/task/index.js:519:17
at run_fn (/var/task/u.js:645:18)

The plugin IS successfully creating the payment intention however and posting it to Stripe. Anyone else had this issue and figured out a fix?

Realized it’s because of the new API version stripe released 4 days ago, and my client is on the newest version of stripe while the API Plugin is out of date… Do we just wait until the plugin publishes the newest version?