Stripe subscription workflows - Does it look like I'm missing anything?

I’m building a subscription service app and want to make sure I’m including all of the necessary workflows. Here is how I structured my app:

Each user has the following fields:

  • Subscription type
  • Trial end date

Below are some important workflows:

Sign Up

  1. User signs up > set subscription type to ‘trial’ > set trial end date to ‘today + 14 days’

Trial Ends

  1. Backend workflow > check daily for users whose trial has ended > set user subscription to ‘no subscription’ > send email to user


  1. User subscribes to stripe plan > add credit card > change user subscription type to ‘subscribedplan1’ > send invoice to user

Change Subscription Plan

  1. User subscribes to stripe plan > change user subscription type to ‘subscribedplan2’ > send invoice to user

Cancel Plan

  1. Change user’s trial end date to ‘subscription ending date’ > cancel stripe subscription > Delete credit card
  2. Backend workflow > receive webhook ‘customer.subscription.deleted’ > change user’s subscription type to ‘trial’ > Send email
    This part feels sloppy. I’m trying to allow the user to have access to the app for the remainder of the period they have paid for by giving them an additional trial period.

Are there any other important workflows I’m missing or can improve?


How did you solve a monthly payment confirmation or email to the user that they were successfully charged for that month?

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I am also interested in setting up subscription plans with Stripe. If there are any Stripe experts out there please let us know how to set up these workflows

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