Stripe webhooks : how to initialize webhooks now?

Hey Bubblers,

Time is going, and things change, including the way Stripe webhooks have to be initialized …

Could anyone tell me how to proceed now, using the Stripe CLI or I don’t know which actions to get a Stripe webhooks initialized and be able to use Bubble + Stripe ? Looks strange that a few people here complain about the Stripe change, which is impacting Bubble makers / business, no ?

Many thanks for any tip or help you could bring !

Hello @Christophe_HK

One way after you choose the webhook is to trigger the intended event on Stripe … or if you have an API post from Bubble to Stripe do so.

The Stripe webhook will recognize this and fire. This way you can finish its setup. :smiley:

Checkout the video-

Thanks @cmarchan and @ankur1, I’m going to watch thé video as the new way to test Stripe webhooks is more time consuming and requiere lot of actions via the Stripe API (example : create a standard account to test the account webhooks, and then delete the test account using the API or CLI).

A pity they removed the direct test feature !