TBR - Fully Responsive Calendly & Google Calendar Clone

I’ve been working on a project for a couple of weeks now and I’m getting close to finishing it up and releasing it on the marketplace.

It is a combination of a clone of Calendly and Google Calendar. Fully responsive on all devices.

Template will provide users an ability to add schedules for multiple event types, with multiple time slots for the same day, copy and share link to event type meeting and most all other features provided by Calendly.

Template will also have a fully responsive full screen Calendar just like Google Calendar. Calendar has schedule view, week view, work week view, 4-day view, day view, month view and year view on tablets and larger screens. Mobile version has schedule view, month view, and day view with weekly selector. Mobile version is based on Apple iPhone Calendar.

Other bonus features like a time start and end time selector, multiple calendars (single date, multiple date and date range selectors).

Here is a view of the mobile calendar

Video and Sound Mockup

Here is a view of the Calendar on a laptop

Trimmed Mockup


I like the bottom tab navigation, maybe you can add some icons ?

Another thing i realize is that with bottom tab, hobby plans are penalized with the “built with bubble” banner.

Congrats !

Thank you.

This is true for template as well while building. Once a user purchases a template and moves into a subscription tier above hobby, the banner is removed.

I was following the design from Apple Calendar on iPhone, which doesn’t have icons. Icons can easily be added to these elements using font awesome icons inline with the text element.

Looking at this now I may make the change…looks pretty good with the icons.

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I was just Googling Calendly clone bubble and found this. Something I’ve been wondering about for a while and why it hasn’t existed so good luck to you. I use 10 to 8 now and it’s ugly AF. What features will this have or are you just selling a template?

I’m selling the template, but also using the system in my own apps.

Check out this forum thread

It goes through some of the features and links to the template page