I’ve had a different experience. I got a website ranked number 1 for “recording studio” and it remained there for 5 years, in which time I enjoyed a very successful business. This was a few years ago admittedly, but all I did was write articles for other large blogs/sites, ensuring a backlink to me. I did no facebook, onsite SEO or anything else. The sheer volume of quality backlinks worked at that time.
If this method is still effective, then the need for a homepage on Wordpress may not be required? Of course, I am no expert and I totally hear what you are saying about the multilevel approach.
Does a Wordpress page offer advantages only in terms of the tools they provide, or does a Wordpress page rank better simply for being Wordpress? I am trying to pin down what exactly is wrong with Bubble in terms of SEO?
It’s a combination between tools, simplicity, time it takes to do the work and SEO capabilities (as mentioned the site map in previous post)
For example I have a blog CDN with 200 websites on Wordpress that we can generate thousands of blog articles for in a matter of minutes using GTP-3 that will automatically choose the best keywords to rank for the websites niche, traffic, competition, etc.
To do this in bubble would take weeks and you’d still be missing the site map structure if using a single page app.
You can rank with bubble absolutely, yet you’re going to take longer, need to do more manual work and key word research, and overall is more of a headache while still not having the ability to do a few key things needed
What do you like about softr over bubble? I ran across it a couple months ago when I first had to link to Airtable. That’s the primary use their site advertises.
On a different matter, so far I haven’t figured out why AT is so popular. It’s 50k row hard limit is a non-starter for me. Unfortunately I have a client thinks it’s the bees-knees so that’s what I’m stuck with for a back end.
Feedback shedding the light on what I’m missing would be greatly appreciated.
It’s nice for simple websites. And some spreadsheet work within organizations. I don’t like it as an apps backend due to rate limiting and hard limits.
I love Firebase/firestore and will promote it all day!
Yeah and this organization is pushing it WAY WAY beyond what it was designed for. They do large specialty construction work. 1,000’s of parts and pieces and activities that must be tracked. When they start their next project they think they’re just going to be able to just copy-paste. Heck they have currently two “bases” because of this limit. I’ve seen a bootleg copy of what’s planned for the future. NINE bases. I haven’t figured yet how of an app is built “around AT” for one set of bases how that’s going to transfer over to a new set.
They’re big on “lanes” and they don’t like changing them, and they have their own internal database “guru,” so it’s a challenge getting them to see the big picture. I’m gaining influence, but slowly. I see a wreck coming. LOL.
Hi. I’m struggling with SEO too. I would like to be sure that I understand you properly.
So you’re advising to make a landing page (for SEO…) on, say, webflow. So in my case, I have multiple domain names (.com, .io, .net, .fr…) for my http://duovote.com so that would be the landing page for the SEO etc…
Then, what? Do I make a redirection to the actual site I built with bubble (where duovote.com currently leads)? and that would be http://app.duovote.com?
thanks a million time in advance
Hi guys, for those who have mentioned using app.domain.com for their bubble app and using domain.com for a better SEO based no code solution, please see this post. Trying to get it so the blog portion of the website or landing pages can be in a subfolder instead of a subdomain. Please reply or like this post. Trying to get a concentrated effort to gain awareness to have this fixed. Putting a team together and open to putting funds behind it.
A critical flaw that most people miss, and then blame on SEO is community. Not the VC idea of community, but an actual community in a geographic area.
If you’re just building an app to find things, or see things, and putting it out there nobody will see it, or if they do see it they won’t care. Unless the people you’re building for already know you, or your business, you shouldn’t expect to ever see traction from your audience–unless you spend more than most people who use SEO. If you have $200 and you spend it on SEO it will do nothing. If you have $200 and you spend it on SEO it will do way less than spending it on stickers with your logo and giving them to the people who use your product.
Technology works when it meets the latent needs of a community that is not currently being serviced. Technology doesn’t work so well when it offers another means to access information that is easily found elsewhere. No matter how great you believe your product to be, unless you’re planning on spending to market to each potential new user, SEO should be less important than just about everything else.
Just think about it: Google defines SEO, and the people who own Google compete in the marketplace that is defined by SEO. If you wanna go spend your money to compete with people who own the playing field, you should expect to lose everything. And if you wanna have a successful business that relies on paid marketing to launch and gain traction, the best bet is to find something like hot dogs where the consumer is uncritical and unlikely to care about the actual product that fulfills the consumer behavior that is being searched and optimized.
Yes, it’s exactly that. Webflow for your website, so you nail the SEO, multi-lingual, etc. Not even sure you need your io, .net, .fr for anything else than redirecting to your .com, and you manage your languages there directly: https://duovote.com/fr/… or https://duovote.com/es/…
Then when people sign up, they are redirected to https://app.duovote.com (app, my, whatever subdomain you want). You build the app with Bubble for the subdomain, so the bad SEO is shielded from the web as only signed-in users will use Bubble.
It’s not ideal for all scenarios of course. If your app is simple and is about content that needs to be discoverable, Bubble won’t be ideal. But let’s say it’s a Project Management app, it would be a perfect fit.