Really nice looking site. Did I notice you are using a marketing page ahead of your buuble app? If that is correct why did you go this route and not build that page in bubble too? I ask because I’m thinking of a similar setup for my application, a hosted marketing page that “links” to my app. Again congratulations and good luck!
Let me know if you have any questions as you explore more with InVision and happy to chat more about seeing what it would take to get Treefort rolling your org.
Glad you like it! So the Marketing Site is not on Bubble. The reason primarily was that I started exploring this ideas of Treefort before learning about Bubble so I already had a landing page up with that domain. That was the primary reason. The other reason is by in theory by having these two separate, I can balance load and eliminate risk that IF by chance the App goes down, my homepage is still up and I can still communicate with customer. Again, this is theory since I’ve not had an issue of down-time with Bubble. This also allows me to push App updates and Marketing Updates separate. Case in point I have a new homepage coming out hopefully sooner vs. later that I want to test and by doing so I can deploy that operate to the app updates. Hope it helps.
I had the same idea in mind and your reasoning makes perfect sense, nothing worse than a blank page with no way to communicate to your customers.
Agreed - Bubble has been stable for me as well and I am hoping it continues to get better. Ill be sure to check back on your progress regularly. I too tried to get my app done in the 30 days but as I kept finding better ways to complete some areas, I adjusted my plan. Shooting for a 10/1 launch.
@stephencharles Thanks for the kind words! Let me know if you hop in at all and check it out. Ironically a few nights ago I was tossing around with the same thought. Maybe I’ll reach out to the team and see if they have anything in place already or if this is something they’d consider. If anyone else agrees hit the heart and that could give me and idea on interest etc.
How’s it going with TreeFort? This is the most polished app I’ve seen built on Bubble. Any way to follow along your journey building this business? I’m curious to hear how scalable a saas is on bubble.
Hey! Thanks for reaching out! I appreciate the kind words! So far so good. Early feedback has been positive. Scalability with how things can be built has been great so far as well. As far as an update goes: We just pushed live a big update where folks can now invite fellow Team Members into their Treefort. This went live last night! More work and messaging to come on this, but I’m pretty excited to see how this can introduce TF to other areas of an organization.
Hey All!
Would anyone like to contribute a feedback to this page (scroll to the bottom)
it would help other designers start using Bubble.
We would list your name, profile picture and a link to your project
We are preparing Zeroqode for a big launch on Product Hunt this wednesday so would like to get it done by then.
Please let us know
Thanks in advance
Hey Dennis! Congratulations for your excellent work with TreeFort! You’ve motivated me to do a top notch product in Bubble as you. I have a question: How do you accomplish the beatiful ‘Loading elements’? By that I mean the gray elements that appear while all the data loads. If you could help me, It would be very appreciated!