Trying to create a dynamic API call

//Edit: I realized that i should set my call to “Use as Action” instead of “Use as Data”, but unfortunately the action is not showing up at the workflow tabs.


I’m pretty new to bubble, sorry if that has been answered. I couldn’t find a thread that helped me.

I have installed the API plugin.

This value is being shown in a dropdown list where a user has to choose his Country.
The following dropdown field should show him a list of states, based on his country.

I figured out that i will have to make an API call like this:

My problem is: I don’t know where to go from here. How do i pass the input from the users choice in the country dropdown list to the api call in order for me to show him his states?

Thanks for your help in advance!

Kind regards

Now the API call showed up in my list. I thought that it’s okay to leave the Access token “private” but it seems like everything has to be public.