Trying to do an Advanced Search in Repeating Group

Hello! Before I describe my questions in detail, it bears mentioning that I am currently using the free hobby plan, as I am a rising college freshman interested in learning to use Bubble over the summer. So, all of my issues might be resolved by upgrading to a paid plan, and if that is the case, I would appreciate if someone could let me know which plan I should consider purchasing.

I am having trouble building one aspect of my app that matches users based on compatible fields. These fields are all lists, with the exception of one field that is a geographic address.

For example, I would like to do three different searches and use the results of the searches to display a list of Users in a repeating group. Let’s say these are the searches I would like to make:

  1. Search for Users whose field “activities_i_love” contains an item also listed in the Current User’s “activities_i_want_to_try” AND who live within 10 miles of the Current User.

  2. Within all of the users returned from search #1, search for Users whose field “favorite_animals” contains an item also listed in Current User’s “pets_i_own.”

  3. Within the Users returned from search #1, search for all Users whose field “favorite_foods” contains an item also listed in Current User’s “foods_i_cook.”

In the repeating group, I would like to display all the results from search #2, with the users ranked in ascending order of the distance they live from the Current User, followed by all the results from search #3, with the Users ranked in ascending order of the distance they live from the Current User.

I have two questions regarding how to do this search:

First, is it possible to display the results from searches 2 and 3 in the same repeating group and display them in the order I have specified? If so, how would I do that?

Second, I’m having trouble matching an item in a list to an item in a list within the context of a search. For example, when I try to do a search, the closest I can get is to search for a User whose “activities_i_love contains Current User’s activities_i_want_to_try,” but then I am supposed to list a specific item number from the list, which is not what I want to do. I want to search for any user who loves any of the activities that the Current User wants to try - I think of it sort of like doing a search for each element in Current User’s activities_i_want_to_try. Is there a way to do this?

Thank you so so much! I really appreciate your help with this detailed question!

I have a similar problem. I want to display in an RG users in order of who has more elements in common. Did you manage to solve your question?