I have two data types.
- Food item
- Biz
The food data type has a field in it of type biz.It’s also a list. It’s basically a list of the different businesses that sell that specific food item
My goal: I want the user to be able to search for food items that are sold by X business. In other words, the user types the business name into input box A and the repeating group will then should show food items that have that business.
The problem lies here in the repeating group. See red.
I can not tell Bubble to check the inputted value in box A against the Food item’s Businesses List Test field (list).
Any ideas?
This is what the database looks like
See how Food Item: Spicy Carne Molida has as a field Businesses List Test, which are the biz that have that food item? I’m unable to filter through that field.