Search Weirdness

Morning Bubblers

I need a quick bit of advice to a simple problem if anyone happens to know the answer?

I’m trying to do a simple search of my product database to retrieve all of the products with the same name into a repeating group.

Sounds simple right? But it only ever returns one row even though there are multiple rows in the database apparently with the same name?!?

Please see query below…

I thought about using Algolia but you need to be on the Bubble Growth plan to use that.
I thought about using a popular plugin for this but apparently it works by loading the data into the browser and I’m going to have 100’s of thousands of products eventually…

I’v tried a few of the other options in the dropdown but none of them work…

Any ideas what is wrong please?!?

Use the debugger. You’ll find one of the following:

  1. The search is case and whitespace sensitive so there are probably no other items with that name
  2. The items are protected by privacy rules and hence not visible
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Thanks @georgecollier I’ll have a look…I suspect 2. might be the reason…

  1. I’ve copied the item names from the database into a text editor and they look identical with no non printing characters or whatever
  2. There are no privacy rules on the items data type…

Any other ideas please?!?

What does the debugger say when viewing your search expression on the repeating group element?

If you remove the condition “Name = Current page’s item’s Name”, do you get all the items or not ?

Hi @ahmed.elkaffas I get the same details of the newest item in the item database repeated 1000’s of times once for every item in the database?!? Strange…

This is interesting ! Do you have a group under your Repeating Group that has the data source "Current Cell’s item " or not ?

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Yes @ahmed.elkaffas I have a row group to show the retailer’s logo, name, price etc like this

Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 12.53.29

Again, your answer will be here.

All of the contents of the RG cell should reference Current cell’s Item or Parent group’s Item. I bet you’re referencing RG’s List of Items:first item for all of them or something…

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Huge thanks @ahmed.elkaffas and @georgecollier yes you were both right!
I needed to have the data source of the row group as “current cell’s item” and each cell needed to have "Parent Group’s item’s…
It’s working fine now!

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