Understanding Google maps pricing

Hi Friends,

I have an app that needs to support several thousand daily users who will be checking in and out of shifts at a large site. Assuming a busy day I might get up to 20,000 hits on location per day

The checkIn/Out button will only be displayed when within 50 meters of a nominated entry point (which we know the lat and long of)

I’ve build a proof of concept with just the standard Bubble features and Google Geocode and Maps API keys. Logic would be simple and similar to this

What I don’t understand is how the Google API costs are chargedat such a scale
If I’m not displaying a map but just checking distance is that just a geocode call?
Does a second call only happen if the page is refreshed?
If I then display a map is that a geocode and a Map API call?

I’ve read the pricing here Platform Pricing & API Costs - Google Maps Platform but Im not sure which call it is thats made.

Advice appreciated including alternatives but I spent some time with the Mapbox plugin and couldn’t even get it to initialise :frowning: so went back to keep it simple stupid.

Thanks in advance as always - Johnnyweb

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