Unique or first item

i cant get unique items or first item to work (or end in blue)

I have a RG. It should only show one item based on Title -so unique or first should give the same result but first item is propably the better option here.
Multiple items can have the same Title.

How do I end in blue?

When you do ‘Search for ContentPosts:first item’s Title’ it gives you back the first item on a list of texts and as your repeating groups Type of content is ContentPosts and not texts that is why it isn’t working.

I would change your search to ‘Search for ContentPosts’ to give the full list or ‘Search for ContentPosts:unique items’ for the list with just the unique items.

Hope that makes sense, let me know if you have any questions.

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Thanks alot for explaining :slight_smile:

I try this. but gives me all the items.



Ah ok I understand. If you only need the title then you can change the repeating group type of content to text and change the data source to ‘Search for ContentPosts:uniqueitems’s Title’

Otherwise using what you have above you can add a Title constraint within the search for content posts.

Edit: Making the repeating group to text worked but creating a new issue when sending data to the nex page.

Have not gotten it to work yet :frowning_face:

Should be simple though so don’t know why…

Got a group on the page: Type content = ContentPost
Got a repeating group inside group: type content = Search for contentposts (constraint: created by = current user)
Got a few texts in the repeating group. One of them is Title. There a multiple items in ContentPost with the same Title, so I only need to show each Title once. I have tried different ways but not found one that get me the result.

Ok then I see. You will need the original repeating group to be type ContentPost then add a ‘Title’ constraint to the search so that it only shows the unique elements.

Sorry it is hard to give advice without seeing your app.

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