Hi All,
I am looking to bulk upload data from a CSV and have figured out how - but I would like to modify the creator and the created/modified date. It seems like Bubble wont allow you to set the values for these when you are mapping your CSV, and only allows you to populate custom fields. Is there any logical way around this?
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Have you found a way to update also the creator, modified dated, and created date?
@janernestgo Create custom fields for these, populate them manually, and display these on the frontend instead of the default fields.
You just have to be careful not to get distracted and accidentally use the default ones in your expressions.
Hello @nico.dicagno
These are standard fields right? I can encode them manually, but I reckon it would be convenient that they are uploaded together in the CSV file especially I have hundreds of data tl upload.
But when I try to map them manually, it shows “ignore this field”, so I try to manually map it but there no fields to attach it to.