I think it would be a big time-saver to be able to dynamically use the colors in the editor’s Color Palette, in Bubble Styles. For example, if an app has these 7 colors in the Color Palette:
Each color could be given a number “C1-C7” (with the option to add more, if possible):
C1: FF4444
C2: FFBB33
C3: 00C851
C4: 33B5E5
C5: AA66CC
C6: 333333
C7: C7C7C7
Then those colors could be used in Bubble Styles, using their Color Code. The User could hover over a Color Input in an element’s style and click “Insert Dynamic Color”.
Then a dropdown of the C1-C7 Colors with thumbnails is shown to the User, and the User selects one of those colors. If the User selected the blue color defined in their color palette (labeled C4), the style would show “Background Color = C4”.
This would allow us to change the app’s style very quickly. One example would be if we need to change the color of 20 different text styles from light grey, to black. If each of those styles was dynamically displayed from the editor’s Color Palette (using color “C6” for example), then we would just need to change the C6 color one time within the editor’s Color Palette. Currently, we would need to change the 20 styles’ colors one-at-a-time from grey to black.
Another example would be to make sure colors are consistent. For example, if a specific shade of red is used for delete buttons, alerts, icons, and texts – we would just use that red color from the editor’s color palette in each of those elements’ styles (C1 for example).
Would anyone else find this useful?