Using CNAME for Whitelabel Domain

Just an update, our engineering team is evaluating this and believes it can be done much sooner on dedicated boxes for technical reasons as under this setup, domains would resolve to an address that isn’t shared with other customers. Would this work for you?


Looking forward to hear more on this, Although I’m not sure how technically this would work on an app and how to utilize the CNAME for our customers to use their domains to their pages on our app.!

What do you think guys?

OK, so you have two sites. One bubble and one hosted (I used cpanel).

On the hosted one, you will need to change index.html as follows …

<html><head><title> Title of your webpage </title></head>
<frameset cols=“*”>
<frame name=“main” src=" " scrolling=“auto” noresize>

Your browser does not support frames


This means you have what looks like your Bubble site, but not hosted on Bubble.

You can now get your customers to CNAME to the new hosted site.

It is a horrible waste of money, as you have a whole site for redirection, but it sort of works.

Maybe better to wait for what the team are planning ?

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Clever workaround @NigelG I’ll give it a try meanwhile wait to see the outcome from the bubble end.

Desperation @vascolucci :smile:


Each bubble project has it’s own unique link, hopefully you can integrate it for all paid users :wink:

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@neerja So following up with your reply, does that mean this feature would be only possible with Dedicated Boxes?

@vascolucci Yes, this feature is currently only possible to rollout quickly on Dedicated

Hi Neerja,

I will pm you regarding setting up dedicated for our application.


It’s been 5 months. Is there any update on this matter?

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Hi Reece

Did you manage to set this up on a dedicated box?


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Hi Tim,

No, I’ll pm you

Any update on this request? Bubble should go open source, the community would have added this by now.

@nocodeventure yea I’ve been waiting and following up with bubble team regarding this since late 2018, but they have gone quite a little bit lately.

Please @emmanuel @josh @neerja keep us updated if there is an update about this.


this is super important for SAAS. @emmanuel @josh guys we miss new features. the present box is getting empty!

They’ll never do this unless they close down, it doesnt make business sense for them. Unless of course they take it down the route but that’s unlikely

They can charge for each whitelabel client or have it only in the dedicated server. @neerja did mention they would add this.

Yeah, you can do it now with a dedicated server. The issue with the other plans is that they use a dynamic IP address, whereas with dedicated you get a static IP. Unless they change this, there isn’t really a way to do it.

That being said, I’d urge @neerja and the team to reach out to ClearAlias for a partnership - they offer a SSL issuing service specifically for SaaS who need CNAME domain whitelabelling, we use it and its genius.

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That would be a great option. How can I do this with dedicated plan?

Speak to the team!