Using Text Editor

I have been using web builders for over 3 years now and computers for over 20, but i can not get this builder to do anything i need it to do. as soon as I create a new text or try to change a text in a template, there is no way to edit the properties of the text, i can not centre the text or colour the text or anything, I have been trying for hours to simply centre a text and colour it, i have never had so much problems with a text editor before, As soon as i try to change the style to a header1 or any style really, the is NO WAY to edit the text properties i have searched for the Text Properties that are shown in the video help, but they do not exist they only properties are in the transitions tab and these have 0 effect on the text.
Can someone Please explain to me where i can find the properties for the text so that i can style a text e.g hearder1 and then edit the properties of that text, e.g change the colour or size of the text and centre the text.
I have already searched both the video tutorials and youtube videos but still i can not find a way to edit the text properties. I am using MacBook Pro with a fully updated Chrome, i have also tried this with firefox and i have already tried to delete the cookies and cache, nothing has worked there does not seem to be any way to edit the text properties of either a new text or a template text.
This is the most frustrating builder i have ever come across.

If a text has a style associated to it, the only way to edit the text is to edit that style. If you want to edit each text by itself, you have to set the style to empty. Once you do that, all the text options appear in the property editor.

Hello and thank you for your quick response.
Hmm ok that makes no sense to me. ok so if i add the text as a new text from the lefthand menu it comes automatically with a style and no way to edit it, if i remove the style and have the style box blank the text editor shows up. So what is they use of the text style, if i cant edit the properties of the style ? and how do i edit a style if there is no properties to be able to edit the style. Sorry but i have found this very confusing as it is not like any other text editor i have come across, normally i can edit the properties of any text style so i am confused as to why i cant do it on this editor.
So if i choose a style how can i edit the text of that style or edit the style ?
Thank you very much

Right under the text style drop-down, there’s a button that says something like Edit Style. Click that, and you’ll be taken to the Styles tab, where you can edit all the Styles

Thank you so much that makes life so much easier.
Now i just have to find out if i can build what i want to build.
A music platform

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