Hello Bubble.io community, I’m using low code programming in my company and I’ve been using bubble.io for a short time. My team asked for the registration afterwards, the system must send an email through a link confirmation. I can do this procedure using a verification code, as I learned in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUznQGSeN-o&t=519s.
However, I did not find a way to confirm by link, with just one click the user will be registered and confirmed.
I am working through this process currently. As I understand, the options are:
Have Bubble send the verification email, via the option in the sign the user up workflow step. This email will come from Bubble’s domain, or if you want it to come from your domain, set up Sendgrid via Bubble’s built-in integration.
If if you don’t want to use Bubble’s domain or Sendgrid, then set up the verification process yourself. I am setting up Postmark and plan to recreate the verification process via:
a) Creating two new fields in the user datatype: “email confirmation code” and “email confirmed yes/no”
b) Generate a unique code when the account is created and populate the “email confirmation code” field. In the same workflow series, send an email to the new user with a link with that unique code in a URL parameter
c) The link will go to a page which receives the URL parameter and on page load initiates a workflow which checks that parameter against the user’s unique code. If it’s a match, then the workflow sets the user’s email confirmed field to “yes”.
d) You can establish whatever conditionals you need based on the email confirmed yes/no field, to stop a user from completing the signup process or using the app unless it’s a “yes”.
I’m working through this currently and will update this if the solution differs from the above.