Visible subselect on a listing


I am trying to recreate concept like on Mohawk Renewal | Mohawk Connects

It basically shows 3 lists (colors, finish and weight), each showing all its! options.
At the moment you select a color, the valid finishes will be highlighted along with the valid weights).
And if you then select the finish, the valid weights for the color-finish combination will be highlighted (or rather the invalid ones are disabled).

Screenshot 2020-07-08 at 13.37.39|690x148

I have been struggling how to get this behaviour in Bubble.

  • if I use repeatinggroup with text I can’t handle the selection transfer to the other groups it seems
  • if I use repeatinggroup with buttons I can’t handle the filtering and transition.

any help appreciated



Hey there :wave:

This is no easy thing to do, so good job for trying to tackle this one. :+1:

Have you tried using ‘set states’ to get the desired result?

No, i haven’t. will try that.

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Cool. I think that is the way to go. :+1:


Hope that helps! :blush:

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