Want to create a wait list capturing only email id

I want to just capture email id’s and no password to create a wait list.
In the workflow, I have added: when a button Sign Up is clicked>
Create a new Wait List User, where Type : Wait List User
email= Input Email (sign up)'s value

While I am able to capture emails, following problems I am facing:

  1. The email input by user doesn’t fade off after clicking the button
  2. How do I ensure that I do not collect duplicate emails which are already registered?

Thanks! Best, Narayan

answer for #1
inside your workflow, after creating a thing, next go to element actions - reset inputs, and reset group data, and if you want, element actions - hide

answer #2
Group by when choosing a data type
here is a link to a video that is helpful to understand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ulcl0qc0o5Y

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