Workflow accessing value in repeating group not in the Data Type associated with the repeating group.
I have a repeating group that is associated with data type Topic.
I do this so that the info in the repeating group can be constrained only to certain things in Topic.
My issue is I have drop down boxes in the repeating group not directly associated with data type Topic. Instead they are associated with other tables.
Now when I go to the workflow where I want to grab different things from within the repeating group, I can’t get to the drop down values within the repeating group because they are associated with other data types.
How can I get to these drop down values when setting fields for a data type I want to add things to?
Each cell in the repeating group. Basically I’d like to iterate through the repeating group and as I do I’m adding a thing to a data type and in each thing I’m putting values in each field in the thing based on values in the repeating group for the cell I’m iterating on.
OK, so you have an RG and you want to be able to add a thing to your data type for each cell in the RG, correct?
If so, I truly hope that someone else will chime in if I’m leading you down the wrong path, but…
My guess is that you’d have to create a workflow that would work on each cell of your RG and schedule an API workflow on a list (which in this case would be the list of RG entries).
Again, if I’m wrong I hope someone corrects me. But if I’m on the right path maybe someone can flesh this out for you.
When you say iterating do you mean automatically running through the list or do you mean you are going one by one picking something in each dropdown? And you want the dropdown to be catered to that Thing in the cell?