Repeating Group input

Hi all. I just want to insert the data from an input in a RG but when I try to do the workflow to make changes in the data type, this input doesnt appear to include it

Also I want to add the category but I dont know how to choose it in the workflow as it doenst appear neither

This is how is structutred the database

Thank you very much!!

Hey @Amjl :wave:

You can’t access the inputs/elements inside a repeating group by clicking a button outside repeating group. You can only access using a button inside the repeating group. That makes sense mostly because the cells in a repeating group will change based on the data source of the repeating group.

If you want to create some bulk information from a repeating group inputs, you can check this guide: Dynamic row addition in Repeating Group and bulk CRUD of Things using vanilla Bubble

Or, if the inputs should not necessarily be inside a repeating group, move them out of the repeating group.

I hope these help.

bdk_512x512 @Huseyin from Flusk | Discover the #1 Security and Monitoring Tool for Bubble

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Thank you @flusk @Huseyin.

I tried to complete the guide, but I am absolutely lost. Do you know how I can fill out this ( I dont know if it is the right step to link the button to API workflow). Please, let me which information or screenshot would be neccesary to resolve this problem. Unfortunately it is very neccesary for my app.

Thank you for the support

Like you did, that thread is the right place to ask the question. I am sure @artemzheg will respond soon.

bdk_512x512 @Huseyin from Flusk | Discover the #1 Security and Monitoring Tool for Bubble