Working with and displaying Date Intervals - Help!

I’m working with the Apex Charts plugin, and I have submitted this question over at ZeroQode but I suspect this may be a situation where I can be using bubble differently to get the result…

The principle problem I need to solve is: How do I aggregate the list of date intervals by user.

The “Group” Function doesn’t seem to work in this case (as demonstrated below)

Hello, I need some help with creating charts.

The charts I need to create are all displaying time data from a Date Interval field type in my data base.

The data is a list of a Time Entries.

So for example, if I want to create a pie chart that shows the cumulative hours of 5 employees…

Then the employee names would be the “Label” and the data is the sum of time entries for each employee.

If I just use the list of time entries, then the problem is that an employee “Mike” appears in the pie chart each time he appears in the list.

I can group my data by employee though - So that all time entries for “Mike” are grouped together…

HOWEVER - I can’t figure out how to “Sum” the groups “Elapsed Time” (which is a date interval) - Bubble doesn’t seem to allow this.

In this screenshot you can see that the only field available for sum is “Revision Round” because it’s a number type.

You can’t sum date intervals.

Any idea how I can display time data?

I think the easiest way is to add a new field(number) and calculate date interval as number (minute or second, up to you).