Hello, I would like to embed a youtube with a start at a specific timestamp. This doesn’t seem to be working for me.
For example for this video: https://youtu.be/_Rl82OQDoOc , if I want to start at the 2000th second (33:20) the url is: https://youtu.be/_Rl82OQDoOc?t=2000
so ID should be: _Rl82OQDoOc?t=2000
but when I test this in preview video starts in a random place. I have also tried the ending &t=2000s which also does not work.
Has anyone else encountered problem with adding a start time to youtube video IDs and know how to address it?
Thanks for that plugin suggestion. I just tried it out and its not working as expected - its not playing at the correct timestamp when I include the timestamp in the youtube url. I’ve played around adjusting the timestamp to see if its just consistently off by same amount but it doesn’t appear that that is the case. Is this working for you playing at the right timestamp?